Top sales rebuttals

Overcoming Objections to close more sales and make more $$$.

The monthly investment you make is less than what you might spend on a couple rounds of cocktails on a Saturday night! — plus we have a money back guarantee ... "

Fine. So by the time we've had a 2 minute discussion, we'll either be doing business or we won't. Fair enough?"

The first reason is that they don't quite understand how it works and how it will benefit them. The
second reason is that I might not have built enough credibility in my company ... and the third reason is that they simply cannot afford us. "Which company are you using? Oh, that's a good company!! — Seems like you're taking a big risk by failing to compare value"

Is your family depending on your ability to sell?

No matter what you're selling, you will benefit from this training.
With this Complete Master File of the best Comebacks & Rebuttals used by the most successful, most highly paid top 2% of salespeople, your earning power grows to a new level of opportunity. Increase your confidence & ability to transform your sales.

Smash through their objections and break your personal sales records.
Eliminate any fear or call reluctance that's holding you back.

Propel yourself to new levels of income and earning power.

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85 Page Guide of 250 Rebuttals +Mp3 Audio Sales Training

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The Ultimate Guide To Sales Comebacks And Rebuttals!
85 page Guide contains 250 Word-for-Word Rebuttals, plus dozens of proven Opening Scripts & Closing Techniques.

Use this Guide to build and reinforce your attitude of confidently EXPECTING to succeed. Visualize the close!

If you are serious about making more money in sales then you owe it to yourself to download this lethal arsenal. Get 25 modern CLOSING TECHNIQUES plus 17 CLOSING POWER STATEMENTS that ask for the sale. 

The Ultimate Guide to Sales Comebacks and Rebuttals. 
"Jim, if we could get the paperwork out of the way right now, then that would be JUST ONE LESS THING IN YOUR WAY before you start enjoying the benefits. If my assistant faxes something over right now, CAN IT GET AN 'OK' BY THE END OF THE DAY?"

The $4,500 package includes (detailed list of benefits) ... THAT'S EVERYTHING, RIGHT? Fantastic. My assistant is going to go ahead and fax over a simple agreement that will need an approval. "Nice. "... if we could do that for you, THEN WOULD YOU SERIOUSLY CONSIDER GIVING IT SHOT? Let's give it a shot, OK?"

"Don't you deserve this advantage? — pick it up right now. The price is right."

These are killer closes! There are 10 more in the Guide in addition to the 25 "new school" Closing Techniques — plus the ingredients for you to cook up hundreds more! Continue reading! Bottom line: You'll close more deals with this Guide.

the Guide gives you about 50 different ways to close the sale--including 25 new school closing techniques.

The "good cop, bad cop" close
The "conditional" close
The "tell a winner / loser story" close
The "because you're serious" turnaround close
+ at least 18 more word-for-word closing techniques that will stun you in their effectiveness to get your prospects to buy ...

What exactly is in this Master File? What's it look like?

It's like having a top-gun sales guy looking over your shoulder, guiding you through the sale. You'll have these potent tools close at hand.

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